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Sea Wasp

水下简易爆炸装置(ied)日益受到关注. Our Sea Wasp is ready to neutralise the threat.

Safety within reach

Sea Wasp, our latest generation of ROV based systems, was designed to successfully locate, identify and neutralise IEDs, 特别是在狭窄的区域和具有挑战性的条件下,如强电流, ports and harbours.

The hydrodynamically stable, 高可靠性的系统具有卓越的性能和低生命周期成本.

A safer solution to ordnance disposal

With a high degree of operational autonomy, Sea Wasp takes vessels and operators out of harms way, providing a safer underwater solution to ordnance disposal. 这个概念来源于用于处理陆地简易爆炸装置的机器人系统.

Sea Wasp


Configurable for any mission

Designed to be operated by as few as two people, 该系统可以很容易地配置,以满足任何任务的要求,包括一个车辆, generator, pilot station, winch and power supply unit.

它可以使用位于支援船上的控制台从地面进行驾驶. Sea Wasp can also be piloted from a vehicle, on dock.

Sea Wasp Inside Cover

Transportable and easily deployable

Transportable over land in a light support vehicle, Sea Wasp can be deployed from harbour walls or the beach. 它可以安装在定制的水面支援船只上,并且可以灵活地装载到多种类型的船只上, including vessels of opportunity, rigid-hulled inflatable boats, as well as work boats, depending on mission requirements.

Cutting-edge sensors and navigation

Sea Wasp
The ROV's innovative sensor and navigation suite, which includes a wideband sonar, LED lights and video cameras, 主要用于定位可能被放置在船体上的目标, harbour wall or the seabed.
Sea Wasp
When ready, 操作人员使用海黄蜂号强大的推进器将其锁定在船体或港口墙壁上的位置. Using the five-function manipulator arm, a tool kit can be positioned beside the target, ready for detonation.

Sea Wasp的机载多普勒速度记录器(DVL)和内部测量单元(IMU)提供导航能力, allowing it to record and transmit specific waypoints. 该车本身采用了十大正规博彩网站排名独特的iCON智能控制系统, as featured in our other mine countermeasure vehicles, 实现六个自由度的终极运动,实现终极机动性.

Sea Wasp

Did you know...

Sea Wasp可以概括为一种小型、强大、多功能的ROV. 这里有一些你可能还不知道的关于这个系统的有趣事实.

  • 海黄蜂是箱形水母的另一个名字,它是海洋中最毒的动物
  • 由于其强大的推进器,“海黄蜂”号能够攻击水线以上的目标
  • 海黄蜂控制器可以通过松开控制装置使飞行器悬停

Contact us

Can't find the answer to your questions? Don't hesitate to contact us.


Johan Strandlund
Head of Marketing & Sales


Leaflet in pdf for view or download:

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