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Track Data Fusion Engine

Track Data Fusion Engine

Operators face an overwhelming amount of data. 航迹数据融合引擎(TDFE)将这些数据结合成清晰准确的空情图, reducing the operators' workload, enabling fast reaction.

Compiling your situational picture

航迹数据融合引擎(TDFE)是一种高性能的多传感器跟踪器和相关器. 它通过融合主动和被动传感器的测量数据以及其他系统提供的航迹,有效地为每个目标建立一条航迹.

它可以很容易地配置用于各种监视应用,如防空地面环境, combat management systems on ships, airborne early warning, and coastal surveillance systems.

TDFE fuses sensor sources such as ADS-B, AIS, 电子支援措施(ESM)及电子对抗措施(ECM).

  • Performs multi-sensor tracking
  • Performs track correlation
  • Performs target identification according to Nato standards
  • Operates in the air, surface or sub-surface domains
  • Very high capacity without performance degradation
  • Suitable for covering very large areas
  • 支持自动,半自动和手动跟踪和关联模式
  • 从单个传感器系统到具有100多个传感器的系统可扩展

可扩展的独立设计使TDFE易于定制,适用于新的指挥和控制系统以及需要升级的旧系统. 简单的设计确保了与新的传感器和监视系统的轻松集成. 它具有非常高的跟踪和传感器容量,但同样适用于小型单传感器系统.

Track Data Fusion Engine

Did you know...

设计多传感器融合系统需要结合先进的科学技术, such as estimation theory, with experience in sensor properties, operator needs and implementation aspects.

  • The TDFE establishes one track per target, 融合来自有源和无源传感器的测量以及来自其他传感器的跟踪
  • TDFE is the core of Saab's own 9AIR TOCCS, 9AIR CRS 9AIR Compact C2 air operation solutions as well as the 9LV CMS.
  • TDFE处理空中、陆地、地面和地下多个领域目标的数据融合.

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Henrik Ekerbring
Marketing & Sales


Leaflet in pdf for view or download:
7 September 2020

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